Op EDVoices

Biden Supporter Rejects Offer of Anti-Genocide Movement Support for Project 2025 Opposition Rally Announced for NYC Times Square, Sat. July 27, 7pm

In response to an announcement of a protest on Saturday July 27, 7pm at Times Square in New York City, FightBackBetter wrote a proposal to expand that protest to include both opposition to genocide and opposition to Project 2025. We are still trying to figure out if the July 27 announced event is even happening. Below is the publicized proposal for convergence of efforts against two calamities – the genocide of close to 200K Palestinians in Gaza and the proposed right wing agenda being proffered under the rubric of “Project 2025.”

Biden Supporter and Project 2025 Opponent Opposes Unity with Anti-Genocide Movement

Keep this protest about what it is supposed to be about: project 2025. I have stood by Palestine for decades, but the protest voters are clouding the bigger picture and leading us into a disaster. There won’t be any democracy left and no elections left to partake in if Project 2025 passes, so to vote for another party is throwing away your vote an essentially voting for Trump. Biden is only approving defensive weapons to be sent to Israel anyway, what he is legally required to do: what any president would be legally required to do. Israel and the U.S. have been allied for a very long time and no one else would have done anything differently. Biden is at least trying to stop sending weapons that would be used against civilians.

I have seen footage of fights breaking out at protests where Palestinian-statehood protestors show up and this protest needs to be about Project 2025, please keep it about that

FightBackBetter Editor Answers Biden Supporter Who Does Not Want Unity with Anti-Genocide

Dear Respondent,

Your view echoes similar views of Biden supporters who continue to try to prevent a discussion of Biden’s genocide during this campaign season.

I can not tell how you have stood by Palestine for decades if you are not standing with the Palestinian people right now when they are experiencing the most severe repression possibly since 1948 – you are not.   Those truly in support of Palestinian people right now are engaged daily in efforts to help end the genocide and are calling for an immediate halt to the slaughter as their number one priority.  Anything less than that indicates you are ok with genocide. My guess is that your so called decades of support was superficial at best.

You state “ . . . the protest voters are clouding the bigger picture and leading us into a disaster,” and “to vote for another party is throwing away your vote and essentially voting for Trump.”

The biggest picture right now is the genocide.  A Palestine supporter would not be lecturing those who actually do support Palestine today with smears.  You do not believe that the Palestinian people are deserving of people speaking on their behalf directly to the genocide supporters in the Biden campaign and the larger Biden (genocider) support milieu that you are part of.  To you getting more votes for Biden is worth allowing the genocide to continue – with dozens and sometimes 100s being slaughtered daily.

You smear true Palestine supporters of “voting for Trump” because they could not fathom voting for the number 1 key perpetrator of the genocide – Joe BIden.  Genocide is not something to judge a candidate by how much genocide they commit – it should be a YES / NO question to any voter who actually is humanitarian and thinks that genocide is horrid.  You are willing to vote for genociding Joe Biden.  I have heard from genocidal Biden supporters say “well Trump would be worse” as if Biden has the acceptable good amount of genocide support they are willing to countenance.  Genocide is a YES / NO question – if you are against genocide you do not vote for it.  If you do vote for genocide – you obviously favor genocide.  More so you are smearing those opposed to genocide of being pro-Trump.  

You say that “protest voters are clouding the big picture and leading us to disaster.”  That statement clearly demonstrates that you have not been with the Palestinians and are not with them right now as they are being slaughtered at the most accelerated rate ever.  You do not think that is a disaster.  Guess what – if you support a party that propagates genocide – your view is a disaster – you are promulgating the disaster – you are responsible for the disastrous genocide since you support the most responsible party – even more than Netanyahu – President Joe Biden.  Do you know why that is?  80% of the weapons used to slaughter Palestinians in Gaza are provided by the USA. According to an article from the esteemed Lancet medical journal the US and Israel has already caused approaching 200,000 deaths.  That number will multiply as likely over a million are suffering extreme starvation and dehydration and water borne diseases because the Democrats voted to defund UNWRA  The starvation and cutting off all water supplies are being used as a weapon of war leading to malnutrition, airborne and waterborne and many other chronic and communicable diseases and death.

You do not believe the genocide is a disaster from your own words.  We are fighting to stop the disaster of the genocide you care little over now and one tool in our shed is fighting against the political campaigns – including Biden’s and including Trump’s – that suborn genocide.

You say “if Project 2025 passes” as if you believe that it is a law that will be voted upon.  Project 2025 is a right wing agenda almost identical to past similar right wing agendas.  Project 2025 would not be voted upon.  The proposals would be attached to dozens – maybe 100s of pieces of legislation.  Facts are that Democrats often vote for Heritage Foundation proposals.  Obama even admitted that the insurance exchanges from his Obama care reform came from the Heritage Foundation.  Your reference to Project 2025 “passing” shows that you lack understanding as to how it would work.

You are a believer in fiction as well when you say:

“Biden is only approving defensive weapons to be sent to Israel anyway, what he is legally required to do: what any president would be legally required to do. Israel and the U.S. have been allied for a very long time and no one else would have done anything differently. Biden is at least trying to stop sending weapons that would be used against civilians.”

That is total fiction and enabling of genocide.  If you were ever a Palestine supporter you know that your statements are factually incorrect.  80% of the weapons Israel used to slaughter Palestinians in Gaza since October come from the USA.  You apparently think the slaughter now of approaching 200K people per the Lancet article is “self defense.”  That suggests that you do not and you never supported Palestinians – you support Israel and its claim to its “right to defend itself” and its other claim that every time it slaughters Palestinians by the 100s or 1000s it is in self defense.  It is a delusional lie that pro-Israel tell themselves – you are trying the lie on me but it is not working.

Biden jumped through hoops since October 2023 to bypass normal scrutiny and to fast track weapons provisions.

The temporary and symbolic hold on 500 pound bombs – which Israel stated they did not need at that point anyway – with Defense Minister Gallant saying they had what they needed – has been lifted.  It was lifted 2 days before the shooting of Trump.  Trump goaded Biden on the issue and Biden obliged and released the 500 pound bombs.  On the same day that Trump was shot a massacre occurred using all of the US provided weapons at a tent encampment that was supposed to be a safe zone as Israel did so many times.  So everyone has been focused on the violence against Trump while Palestinians suffered another horrifying disaster based on weapons Biden released after Trump called him out for the temporary hold.  There are no weapons being held back any more – the slaughter continues to escalate with massacre after massacre after massacre.

As for your claim that Biden is required to send the weapons “legally” – he is not required to sign or allow to pass laws that authorize the sending of the weapons as he always does. Biden is literally historically the number one recipient of AIPAC support. There is one thing Biden supporters and Trump supporters agree upon is support for genocidal Israel – it is a real love fest between Democrats and Republicans that you supposedly hate so much over this. Unfortunately for Biden and the Democrats Israel is tilted in favor of Trump.

And respondent, me and you as taxpayers in the USA are right beside Biden as it is we who are footing the bill that could provide us free health care, education, elder care and numerous other human needs instead of the funds being expended on blowing the heads off of babies in tents who are force starved and thirsted with 2000 pound bombs that Biden signed off on and made sure were delivered.

You state:
“I have seen footage of fights breaking out at protests where Palestinian-statehood protestors show up and this protest needs to be about Project 2025, please keep it about that.”

The violence you have seen has all been instigated by pro-Israel fascists that routinely attack the demonstrations with very little response if any from police.  You have also likely seen the violence unleashed by Biden and by Democrat mayors and governors as well as Republicans on protesting students.  1000s have been arrested – 1000s have been seriously injured – 4 were shot in the head at UCLA with rubber bullets.  That is state violence that we supporters are facing.  The Democrats are playing a lead role in passing laws that define opposition to arming of Israeli terror as “anti-Semitic” which will be used to justify police and military repression of our voices with the pretext of “protecting the community from anti-Semitism.”  If you were truly a Palestine supporter for decades you would be aware of this and outraged by it. 

Instead you are carrying false accusations of violence – we are the victims of the violence.  We will protect our ranks if possible from the violence as it occurs.  But your reference to that and smear of our movement when we are the ones being beaten, injured and arrested shows which side you and BIden are on – the genocide side.

Your smearing and false statement does not convince this editor that our showing up at Biden campaign events with banners and flags is wrong.  We might not have capacity to do so but it certainly is a plausible move on our part if we do have the forces.  Please communicate this response to the organizers of anti-Project 2025. 

It is quite disingenuous to make like Project 2025 is such a big threat and at the same time downplay the significance of actual genocide – which any voter who allows ethics to enter their decision making would reject.

We continue to reach out to the organizers of this event to see if there is any support in their effort to oppose the actual genocide occurring today in Gaza – if you have information about the organizers of the July 27 event – or your perspective on this matter – please use the form below.

Injustice to one is an injustice to all. We pay for this injustice with our tax dollars and we are suffering domestically from the lack of resources and services for the people on so many levels.

Project 2025 is a drop in the ocean compared to a real life and live streamed genocide. What is wrong with us people!

I have reached out to Reclaim Pride Coalition which has done good Palestine solidarity work and is mentioned on the July 27 organizing flier about this topic – I hope to hear back their perspective.

If you are interested in this idea or have an opinion one way or the other please use the form below to offer your views.