Israel Repression

Israel Export of Weapons and Repression – Research Help Requested

I volunteered to make a presentation at this important event, scheduled for Sunday, June 27, in Teaneck NJ.

The topic I offered to cover is Israel export of weapons, repressive technology and police and military training in Latin America, primarily – but other areas could also be of interest.

I am not at this point prepared for this presentation – I am hoping to use the ensuing week to pull together the information and organize the presentation.

This is where you come in.

When I look into this topic – a lot of the articles are somewhat aged.  The information is relevant – it is just that the specific data is not up to date.

I believe a good solid updating of this information can greatly assist the efforts to build collaborative relationships between the people of Latin America who are effectively organizing and fighting to repurpose their own land and resources for the betterment of their own peoples vs. toward the accumulation of capital and power by outside multinational corporations as enforced by US imperialism and its allies.  The similarities between these struggles and the struggles of the Palestinian people are clear and developing this information in an organized way can help promote collaborative and convergent efforts – leading to heightened unity against common problems.


I imagine there is later research and articles on the topic.  I am hoping there is updated information out there – if there is great – if not I can use the older sources and we can work on developing updates.  

I am asking you to use the form below to provide links to articles – your thoughts and any information you know.  Also if you know of experts that I should be in contact with – that would be immensely helpful.

Also if you can share this posting to relevant outlets where more people who can potentially help can see it – that would be also helpful.

I will expand this posting to include your relevant information as it comes in.

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