
Livingston School District is Serving Up Pro-Genocide IDF Propagandal

The superintendent of Livingston Public Schools Matthew Block  took an expense paid trip to Israel funded in part by Israel and also in part by Israel supporting institutions.  This was part of a propaganda trip that usually just includes NJ legislators but this year included 3 superintendents including Block.  Now Block is using Livingston School District as a base to launch pro-Israel propaganda – during a wholesale US – Israel sponsored genocide against the people of Gaza that has already killed around 30000 Palestinians in the last 4 months.  I am especially noting that Livingston has endorsed this event – scheduled to take place February 28, at the Heritage Middle School 6:30-7:30 pm.  The school district symbol is emblazoned on the promotional materials for this IDF propaganda event.

Op-Ed: Update – Livingston Township Superintendent Block Resignation Great News – Now Dismantle Any Pro-Israel Structures He Left Behind

Let’s be clear – Israel and the USA are slaughtering 100s of Palestinians every single day.  They are doing it based upon a false narrative that has dehumanized the victims.  To bring this genocidal narrative into NJ public schools with the full endorsement of the Superintendent means that the same attitudes justifying this mass murder campaign are being promoted here in NJ schools by the educational leadership.  We encourage everyone to follow the Teaching While Muslim suggested course of action – and perhaps suggest that these demands should also be raised with the NJ State Department of Education and perhaps it is time for legal action against the introduction of genocidal narrative into NJ school curriculum that creates a hostile and dangerous environment by students falling into the demographic of the target of the genocidal narrative this school district is promoting.


From @teachingwhilemuslim on Inst

Our public schools should NOT be used for Zionist propaganda. Pro Palestinian residents of Livingston have already been consistently harassed by the Zionists in Livingston, NJ.

Not on our watch. The link in the post (and in our link tree) will create the email for you. All you have to do is click send.


There is a 6 page slide show at this Instagram link – the announcement for the IDF event follows.

News Release: Jewish, Muslim Organizations Celebrate Failure of Legislation Threatening Free Expression to Move in Senate Committee