
Tribute to Martyred Mothers, Grandmothers, Caretakers, Central Jersey, May 12

📣 Calling all visual artists – all experience levels!! (Painters, illustrators, graphic designers, photographers, graffiti artists, sewers, knitters, sculptors etc! ✨)

👩🏽‍🎨 We are looking for volunteers to create pieces dedicated to martyed mothers, grandmothers and caretakers, and to those who are still under oppression and siege in P a l e s t i n e, Kashmir, Sudan, Congo and China to display for a very special Mother’s Day tribute!

📥 Please message us here or email at for more details and/or to  participate!

#artistcall #arttribute #tribute #martyred #mothersday
#newjersey #nj #centralnj #humanityfirst #humanrights #peace #endtheviolence #endthehate #watermelon #thisisnotawatermelon #kashmir #sudan #congo #uyghur #uyghurmuslims

Click pic to contact organizers on Insta: