
Defend Montclair Imam Kevin Dawud Amin who is being targeted for criticizing Zionism, Montclair, Tue 12/17 6:45pm

Fightbackbetter is seeking additional details about this case but for now here is the information of protest to defend our protected free speech rights to criticize Israel.

The arrogance of Pro-ISrael crowd that want to mandate that everyone support the slaughter of Palestinians lest its “antisemitism” – and it will get worse if they pass the fascist laws in NJ mandating loyalty to Israel.

ACTION ALERT: ! Defend Montclair Imam Kevin Dawud Amin who is being targeted for criticizing Zio nis m!
🗣️📢  Criticism of Zionism is not antisemitic.

Montclair Municipal Building Council Meeting

đź“Ť205 Claremont Avenue. Montclair: the back of the room where the council meets
🗓️ Tuesday Dec. 17th
⏰ 6:45pm

đź“Ś Even if you don’t want to speak, your presence at the meeting to show support would be valuable

The following article has more details. Apparently he is being accuse of antisemitism for this sentence;

We have this group, we have that group, and certain groups have more pull than others in the media, and what have you.  –

He did not even say what groups? This is such a reach to consider that statement antisemitism. There are MANY groups that have more media influence than others – for example: politicians, corporations, wealthy – and yes the pro-Israel perspective in the US gets more attention than the pro-Palestine perspective in the media. Indeed most of NJ and US’s major media outlets are thoroughly aligned with Israel’s false narrative about its genocidal slaughter of Palestinian people.

It is a FACT – not a TROPE to state that the Israel perspective gets more attention than the Palestinian perspective in US media. So he is being attacked for saying a “trope” for acknowledging a fact. It comes down to pro-Israel folk do not want people to say things that step away from the pro-Israel narrative.

Letter sent to Montclair Mayor and Council:

From: Bob Witanek <>
Sent: Dec 17, 2024 12:26 PM
To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
Subject: You Must Stay Strong and Defend Imam Amin

Dear Montclair Mayor and Council,

There was absolutely nothing antisemitic and there was no supposed “trope” in what Imam Amin stated.

He did not even say anything specific about what “groups” have influence on media – there are many groups that influence media more than me and you.  Indeed though – pro-Israel perspective is much better represented in the US media and the NJ media than the pro-Palestinian perspective.  These are facts.  So even if Imam had been very specific it would not have been a trope but an acknowledgment of facts.  Here is our article defending Imam Amin:

And lets be clear – the pro-Israel constituents in NJ are trying to define support for Palestine as antisemitic and much of the Democratic party – orgiastically unified with Trumpian NJ legislators is supporting the fascism – and the pro-Israel crowd thinks they can go fascist to wipe out our opposition but rest assured we will defend our children, our families, our communities, our colleagues and ourselves from the fascism coming from both parties.  If the pro-Israel crowd did not have influence over NJ politics we would not be dealing with both parties supporting fascism to defend Israel from our beloved protected Free Speech First Amendment of the US Constitution rights!

Your district is very important in the fight to defend free speech and we are looking for Assembly candidates to stand up against these fascist attempts to control narrative with innuendo smear against those who are not cowered like Imam Amin!

Bob Witanek
Editor FightBackBetter