A VoiceVoices

Ultimate Serial Homicidal Maniac Dick Cheney’s Endorsement of Kamala Should Tell You All You Need to Know

Most people from my generation know that Dick Cheney was architect of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. What a lot of people . . . don’t know that this man was the architect behind Operation Desert Storm. . . . the mastermind behind the invasion of Panama 1989 Operation Just Cause. . . . Cheney has never been part of an administration where he was not a mastermind of a major military operaiion . . . uprooting governments and destroying nations. A lot of people are making fun of how hawkish Kama;a Harris’s DNC speech was but clearly Dick Cheney was so impressed by Kamala’s blood thirsty speech that he’s like “that’s the one I want.” Commentator of @HotSpotHotSpot on Twitter

Please watch the video commentary. While many Harris supporters including progressives and formerly antiwar activists are praising the endorsement of Kamala Harris by blood thirsty war mongerer Dick Cheney, we who support the Palestine cause recognize that such an endorsement is a nail in the coffin for anyone who thinks Harris is going to bring peace to the MIddle East. Indeed the 101st Airborne Division is being dispatched to the Middle East just in time for an October Surprise launch of war. It seems like total war is the end game for the Harris campaign.