One step closer to World War III — you can run, but you can’t hide — we charge YOU with genocide!
Say it ain’t so. Please say it ain’t so.
Yesterday, 9/27/2024, the world was subjected to yet another totally dystopian scene, the type of scene that has, unfortunately, become all too common these days. Ever since 9/11/2001 and now for almost a quarter of a century, the world is witnessing an end to international order, rules of engagement that follow the U.N. charter, and an end to international accountability for war crimes, unless, of course, the “war criminal” is opposing the agenda of U.S. international policy. And these days, the only U.S. method of “seeking peace” is by dropping bombs or having others drop the bombs on behalf of the U.S..
Yesterday, while many delegates to the U.N. from around the world were joined by diplomats and walked out of the meeting of the U.N. General Assembly because they had no desire to legitimize Netanyahu’s presence before the body, the U.S. government once again let Benjamin Netanyahu enter the U.S., instead of honoring warrants for his arrest issued by the International Criminal Court. However, the day before Netanyahu’s speech, New York City police arrested 25 people protesting his presence on U.S. soil because of the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the West Bank and the recent, deadly expansion of the tactics of that genocide to Lebanon. Opponents of genocide are seen as more of a threat to the U.S. than those actually complicit in the genocide. Those attempting to block Netanyahu’s route to the U.N. are “more dangerous” to authorities than those who refuse to sign a ceasefire agreement, those who maintain the blockade of Gaza, those who are denying Palestinians food, water, electricity, health care, education, killing their journalists to try to silence the truth and burying their stories with them and more. Say it ain’t so. Please say it ain’t so!
In Palestine, Israel and the U.S. relied on a distortion of reality, stating that every Palestinian was Hamas and Hamas was every Palestinian. The U.S. and Israel erroneously stated that Hamas used civilians as human shields. Therefore, every Palestinian, every school, every hospital, every health care professional, every bakery, store and more, was a “legitimate military target.” What nonsense! Say it ain’t so. Please say it ain’t so!
Yet, those same lines have been repeated in Lebanon, sounding eerily familiar. Every Lebanese is Hezbollah and Hezbollah every Lebanese, especially since Israel claimed that Hezbollah hid weapons in every house, school, apartment building, office, etc. It isn’t difficult to see what Israel intends to do next. And where are the U.S. government officials decrying this strategy? Instead, they simply say that they will wait to see what Israel’s investigation of itself reveals. Yeah, right. Say it ain’t so. Please say it ain’t so!
Yesterday, while Netanyahu spoke about “setting the record straight” and how “his country was fighting for its survival” and how Israel was seeking peace and “yearning” for it, his military was bombing a Beirut, Lebanon suburb, flattening 6 high rise residential buildings and part of another, leaving countless civilians under the rubble and yet unknown numbers of Lebanese civilians dead, during a week which, at the time of this writing, had seen at least 700 civilians dead, including children, and thousands injured, in what can only be described as “acts of terrorism.” Even former director of the CIA, Leon Panetta, admitted that. And yet, while dozens of delegates to the U.N. walked out on Netanyahu, no one in the meeting called out for war criminal Netanyahu’s arrest and appearance at the Hague. Not a peep from presidential hopeful Kamala Harris. Not a word from still President Joe Biden. And nothing from Antony Blinken. Say it ain’t so. Please say it ain’t so!
Perhaps it’s more honest for these so-called “leaders” to remain silent, instead of hearing them utter new lies. Honest, maybe. Ethical, absolutely not!!
Earlier this week, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was caught in what many are calling an outright lie. In April, Blinken had received two reports, one from the terribly radical U.S. State Department and one for the equally as radical U.S. Agency on International Development (USAID), that accused Israel of blocking the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza. And Mr. Blinken told the U.S. Congress that “We do not currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise ‘restricting’ aid [to Gaza]…” Some members of the Biden administration resigned over this lie, but the lie brought with it other horrible consequences for the Palestinian people. Had Blinken told the U.S. Congress the truth, the U.S. Congress would have to either follow U.S. law and stop providing financial and military aid to Israel, or thumb its nose now, not only at international law, but at domestic policies as well. That was already six months ago. That means for these last six months, the weapons and the money keep on flowing to the criminal regime of Netanyahu and the death and destruction continues to devastate Gaza and the West Bank. Had he not lied, hundreds, if not thousands of lives could have been spared. Say it ain’t so. Please say it ain’t so!
Remember when hundreds were killed in Gaza to rescue 4 hostages? Some proclaimed that as a victory, but ignored the fact that, for months, Hamas was willing to sign a cease-fire agreement, but Israel always refused. Many concluded then that the killing of hundreds of innocent Palestinians was not a price worth paying.
The list of such atrocities goes on and on and on. With each one, the U.S. sinks more deeply into complicity and more deeply into silence, perhaps realizing that by criticizing and condemning Israel, they criticize and condemn themselves.
Remember when Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State under President Bill Clinton, said that even though U.S. unilaterally imposed sanctions on Saddam Hussein resulted in the deaths of at least 500,000 Iraqi childen, that this was a “price worth paying” to unseat Saddam Hussein. This didn’t earn the U.S. many friends in the Muslim world.
Few on the world stage criticized the U.S. then. No one dared. Few on the world stage criticized Israel then. No one dared. But if there isn’t a response now, as Netanyahu replicates the tactics in use in Gaza and the West Bank in Lebanon, the whole world may become engulfed by this conflict, ultimately ending in the use of nuclear bombs — and no one in the world will emerge unscathed. If it gets to that point, it will be too late to stop the unbridled and unrestrained violence of the genocidal maniacs in Israel and in Washington, D.C.
Remember when Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State under President Obama said about Libya and Khaddafi, “We came, we saw, we conquered,” and cackled gleefully at what the U.S. had done? Well, now Kamala Harris is talking about giving Hillary Clinton a position in her administration. Why not, right? She’s already welcomed the terribly aggressive former VP Dick Cheney to her side.
And with the presidential elections in the U.S. right around the corner, the choices made by the U.S. now will have serious implications for the future. A vote for either Kamala or Donald is a vote for genocide and a vote for World War III. Don’t let the fear of what might transpire after Election Day deter a vote of conscience. If Harris is elected, the Dems will have no reason to stop working toward ensuring that the U.S. has “the most lethal army in the world.” And if Trump is elected, it’s the same result. Say it ain’t so. Please say it ain’t so!
Unfortunately, all of this is so. All of this is unfolding in front of our eyes, in real time. And so we are called upon to act, to try to keep the world from descending into World War III and to rein in the murderous, genocidal Israeli regime.
Here’s a brief translation of what Gustavo Petro, president of Colombia said about Netanyahu and the ongoing genocide, on X, (formerly known as Twitter,) on September 20th.
“…Palestinians are semites, too, in accordance with the Bible, which states that Semites are those who are descendants of Sem, oldest son of Noah, and those who speak its language. Because of this, it is anti-Semitic to drop bombs on Gaza, killing boys and girls, and not oppose it. The most anti-Semitic actions today are those that repeat the holocaust conducted on humanity by Hitler and especially now on the Palestinian people. Saying this is not anti-Semitic. I am not anti-Jew. I believe in freedom of religion….Mr. Netanyahu and his government, absent international justice, are not acting as Semites, they are embodying Naziism.” ***
When will Antony Blinken be held to account for his lies and his complicity in constant violations of international law?
When will Joe Biden be held to account for the same and for knowingly spreading the lie that he had seen photos of babies beheaded by Hamas when there were none?
When will Kamala Harris be held to account for repeating statements debunked repeatedly, even by Israeli journalists, about sexual violence by Hamas?
When will Netanyahu be held to account for his lies and constant violations of international law?
Think about it. Don’t dismiss it out of hand. Break out of the box of voting for the “lesser evil,” because this time, it is virtually impossible to decide on which candidate, the red or the blue, is the lesser evil — both are evil and not worthy of our vote. In New Jersey, there is a Green Party candidate in every Congressional District, a Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate in Christina Khalil and a Green Party candidate for President and Vice President, Dr. Jill Stein and Dr. Butch Ware. If this isn’t the time to vote Green instead of red or blue, it will never be the time!
***“Señora embajadora. Los Palestinos son semitas de acuerdo a la biblia, dado que la palabra semita designa a los descendientes de Sem y su lengua.Por tango es antisemita matar niños y niñas arrojando bombas en Gaza y no oponerse a ello. Lo más antisemita que hay hoy es repetir el holocausto de Hitler sobre la humanidad y en especial sobre el pueblo palestino.
Yo no soy antisemita…no soy antijudío, creo en la libertad de cultos…El señor Netanyahu y su gobierno reo ausente de la justicia internacional, no es el semitismo, es el nazismo.” — @Gustavo Petro

Citizens and residents of the USA have a responsibility to denounce US unfettered support including financing and arming of Israel as it commits genocide and escalates to total Middle East War.
Kamala Harris states iron clad support to Israel, has not denounced the genocide of Palestinians, nor the weaponization of tech devices, nor the indiscriminate slaughter in Lebanon nor the assassination of Hassn Nasrallah.We must denounce and repudiate Kamala Harris accordingly! – Editor, FightBackBetter
Lebanese Perspective
BIden / Kamala Endorse Israeli Terror in Lebanon:
USA is 100% Militarily in Support of Israel’s Tech Terror and Massive Slaughter in Lebanon