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Biden did ‘more for the Palestinian community than anybody’: Please Offer Your Comments

Joe BIden is hanging in there for now as the Democratic Party front runner for re-election as President of the United States. While he has a record of slaughtering Palestinian people that has earned fully for him the titles “Genocide Joe” and “Genocidin’ Biden” he just had the audacity to just say that he has done “more for the Palestinian community than anybody.” I am asking for comments for publication to respond to this. Let’s not allow this delusional campaign to dance on the graves of possibly a quarter million Palestinians! You can use the form below or if you have other ways to contact me – or you can write to Editor@Fightbackbetter.com with your commentary for publication. Thank you!

Commentary of some community supporters

Statements like this simply prove that he is exactly like Trump. Trump said that he’s done more for the black community than anyone else. Biden is saying literally the exact same thing – Dover NJ Palestine support activist

It is clearer and clearer that Genocide Joe needs to Go!! Not only is his claim appalling it shines a brighter light on his state of mind.. He believes funding and supporting the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian People is “doing for the Palestinians “. His administration has aided in the ongoing slaughter of entire Palestinian families, supported atrocities, massacres, human rights violations, and numerous other war crimes against the Christians Muslims and Jews of Palestine #endthepropaganda #factsmatter #savehumanity #tikkunolam
#neveragainmeansneveragainforanyone – North Jersey Palestine Humanitarian Support Activist

It is shameful and disgusting that Biden would have the nerve to even utter the word Palestinian. His unwavering support for the genocidal Israeli government has caused the horrific deaths of at least 186,000 Palestinians, according to Lancet. He has caused the most death and ethnic cleansing to the Palestinians in the history of their existence. It is beyond disturbing that he can even make that statement. History will record him as a war criminal alongside Netanyahu and all of his administration who enabled this holocaust. – Anam Raja

How can Biden say that!! The only thing I see is ethnic cleansing of Palestinians!! They are more and more Palestinians who lost their homes, land and lives!! This past 9 months is worst ever seen since 1948! – Respondent

Biden claiming he did ‘more for the Palestinian community than anybody’ is laughable. He has made all Palestinians living in America feel worthless in this country. He has demonstrated how little he cares about our lives and how our first amendment right to free expression is irrelevant to him. His unwavering support for Israel, as well as false claims against Palestinians, have generated a great deal of hatred for Palestinians and increased hate crimes against us. As a second generation American, I have never felt more unsafe living in America than I do today. He will not be receiving my vote in this upcoming election. Free Palestine  – Palestine Support Activist Bergen County, NJ

Biden is able to make such disgraceful, delusional comments like this because this is exactly what the demoncratic party is about — LYING and showing no respect for people whatsoever! They DICTATE to people any LIE they want to put forward and supporters of that party accept it and ALLOW THEM TO SAY WHATEVER THEY WANT! They have no respect at all for people and they’re held accountantable by no one! – Lisa Davis

How is supplying weapons and bombs to Israel any kind of help for Palestinians? Biden is a war criminal for aiding and abetting a genocide. – Respondent

The most frustrating part about this is that I’ve seen plenty of Biden supporters say the same exact thing online. It’s disgusting how ignorant and complacent he and all his avid supporters are. Blue Maga and Red Maga both need to go. Both uphold the genocidal system, both are downright evil. Only difference is Blue maga gives pretty lies and Red maga tells you to your face. – Monmouth County Activist

If you would like to offer a comment or statement for publication on this topic – please complete following. Please include how to ID you in the article (e.g. by name, “Palestine Support Activist Essex”, whatever works for you.

Background on Biden’s statement:

Biden supporters: “We sick boss.”