A VoiceVoices

When Palestinians / Supporters See Netanyahu Bipartisan Hate Fest in House Chambers – Add Your Response

On July 24, 1000s converged on Washington DC to protest the hosting of indicted war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to both chambers of US Congress. He led what turned out to be a hate rally against Palestinians in the House Chamber. He received at least 50, at most 70, standing ovations by most Congressional and Senate members of both the Democrat and Republican parties.

Below is a summary of the lies and disinformation that was proffered and hosted by the full chamber of the US Congress and US Senate when indicted war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu spoke on July 24.

We are reaching out to some Palestinians and supporters of Palestinians in NJ for commentary on what it feels like to be Palestinian or support of the Palestinians to watch the orgy of hate and adulation for slaughter of Palestinians expressed in Washington DC on July 24. If Netanyahu landed in many countries in the world that respect international law he would be arrested at the airport. In the USA it is a hate fest.

As for NJ, Bonnie Watson-Coleman, to her credit is reportedly the only NJ Congress person to do anything critical toward Netanyahu – she boycotted the event.

We invite members of the Palestinian America community to offer to share what it feels like to be a Palestinian and see the horror of the hateful US Congress and Senate orgy of laudation for Netanyahu who with US the BIden – Harris administration and bipartisan congressional has presided over the slaughter of close to 200K Palestinians in Gaza according to a Lancet Medical journal article.

The following are the response(s):

As a Palestinian American I feel unseen unheard unsafe.. I fear everyday for the safety of my family as Western media portrays any/all Palestinians as terrorists. The unreported rise of Islamophobia since the anti Palestine propaganda campaign began has put ALL ARAB AMERICAN lives in danger. Seeing our American elected officials applaud every other word of the  genocide leader was horrifying to say the least. It sends a clear message that the lives of my family and I are not worth anything to our “supposed” leaders. They are using our tax dollars to slaughter my own people.. They were outraged about false allegations of rape and beheaded babies . However, when proof from credible sources emerged about Israel being the one to commit atrocities Congress turned a blind eye. The hypocrisy and double standards are astounding and devastating.

As for the democrats that cheered Netanyahu .. they have lost any and all support of the Arab/Humanitarian/ Palestinian voter as they have drifted far from democratic beliefs and proved their support for genocide.

I would say that the NJ congress people that attended and cheered need to reevaluate their values because every time they clapped and cheered they showed their complicity in genocide and have blood on their hands

Shame on ALL participants of the Netanyahu  circus except for Rashida Tlaib

Remember you were elected to serve AMERICA NOT ISRAEL!

Congress made it clear that they work for AIPAC/NORPAC not their constituents. Their applause empowered a genocidal maniac to continue to commit war crimes against humanity
– Palestinian American NJ voter 

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