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Protest at Bookers, Friday, Feb 9, 5 – 7pm One Gateway, ALL OUT! Newark NJ and Week of Events

Cory Booker supports genocide (by not struggling for an immediate cease fire and routinely voting to send genocide producing armaments and other genocide assistance to the Israeli regime has just sent a letter to Biden calling for a slight relaxing of the humanitarian siege part of the genocidal mission but that does not get him off the hook.

If you want to read about Booker’s letter – you can do so at this link.

It is calling for a slight easing of the total siege humanitarian genocide – not an end to it. There can be no real humanitarian relief without an actual cease fire!

These Democratic party supporters of genocide – because they will not demand and actually take action above and beyond cheap talk (“Their powerless words were in vein . . . the bombs fell down like acid rain” as the song We Will Not Go Down (In Gaza Tonight) Michael Heart classic goes.) are trying to act as if they are doing something profound.  It is a dance.

So they give a list of platitudes – that will not stop the slaughter without a cease fire and of course they are not calling for an end to the weapons and they will vote for the weapons.

NO! Booker we will be there Friday demanding CEASE FIRE NOW! Stop the bombing of Yemen, Iraq, Syria and US Out of the Middle East.

Friday’s protest is thus far endorsed by these organizations and several others are discussing joining in.

Click slide show for 6 of the events (and event set) of this week and visit the calendar for complete (as possible) list.