Op EDVoices

Bye Then Genociding Biden, His Replacement Will Be Hopelessly Pro-Israel

Who will replace BIden?  Kamala Harris?  When will the Democratic Party make up their minds?  As Trump prepares the final quarter of the campaign in a strong advantageous position with 3-ish points lead in each and every battleground state, the Democrats are waffling over how they will replace Biden.

BIden’s fall should be considered a victory for the pro-Palestine efforts.  The preponderance of the pro-Palestine movement and the challenge to US support for genocide has rejected arguments about possibly supporting Biden from an anti-genocide position.  There is no significant part of the counter genocide effort that believes supporting Biden is helpful.  Most refer to him as Genocide Joe or as this editor prefers: Genocidin’ Biden.

The reasoning given for those within the Democratic Party who called for BIden to exit was because they read the poll results suggesting that he has no viable path to an election victory.  The  anti-genocide movement was part of the chipping away at Biden’s support. This editor estimates about 2 million voters largely from Arab American , Muslim American and humanitarian genocide opponents – who usually ally with the Democrats are jumping ship to Jill Stein over the Palestine issue.  So our work played a role in the decline of Biden’s electability and thus contributed to the calls for his ouster from the candidacy.  The debate-fail by Biden was a more significant factor but our movement is a factor nonetheless. 

Biden’s stumble is a victory for our efforts.  He is the primary actor responsible for the reprehensible slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. 80% of the weapons Israel uses to kill babies, children, mothers, fathers and others in Gaza comes from the United States and Biden has expedited the delivery throughout the genocidal process. He has been doing end runs around accountability procedures at the demands of Israel for more weapons faster.  Let every genocider fall for their genocidal actions – let Biden stumble to a disgraceful retirement from political life and let him be remembered as the genocider who lost USA to a Trump second term.  He deserves a hard fall.  Any time a participant in the genocidal operations has a fall from grace it is cause for celebration.

But whether they replace BIden with Kamala Harris, Michele Obama, Hillary Clinton or some other mystery candidate – it does not improve the plight of Palestinians.  Biden’s replacement will be a clone of Biden in regard to US policy for Israel.  The Democratic Party is hopelessly pro-Israel.  

Democrats will name the crimes of their Trump-ian opponents but the issue they are in a political love fest with the Trump forces over is Israel.  The support for every bill needed to provide weapons and funds to fuel the bloody genocide of Palestinians in Gaza is always overwhelmingly bipartisan.  Democrats in US Congress, in the US Senate and in statehouses across the nation are in the lead role pushing laws that will criminalize opposition to Israel’s genocide – including opposition to arming of Israel with US weapons.  The laws they are pushing basically force loyalty of Americans and residents in the USA to Israel.  Any criticism of Israel is labeled as anti-Semitic which could lead to legalist action and justification for police and military repression of genocide opponents.

The Democratic Party is hopelessly pro-Israel and any replacement of Biden will be sworn to be beholden to the whims and demands of Israel for continued armaments and continued manipulation of domestic USA policies so Israel critics can be repressed.

WE MUST MAKE IT CLEAR FROM THE GET GO THAT THE REPLACEMENT OF BIDEN HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH A RESET OF PALESTINE POLICY!  There will be those who make that argument but everyone needs to understand that the agreement of the replacement candidate to provide at least the level of support for Israel as Biden provided will be locked down by Israel and its agent organizations (AIPAC and the rest of the pro-Israel lobby). 

We must be steadfast in opposition to the Democratic Party’s candidate, Biden or a replacement, and we must support only candidates that state clearly their opposition to the genocide and the provision of armaments to Israel.  This editor is supporting Jill Stein for president, Christina Khalil for US Senate and the Green Party full congressional slate in the state of NJ.  Other candidates worthy of support since they oppose armaments to Israel include Cornel West (Independent) and Claudia De la Cruz of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.  If you vote for whoever the Democrats finalize upon, for Trump or for Kennedy it is a vote for the genocide of the Palestinian people.

Those in the Democratic Party who stress  over the idea of losing the votes of Pro-Palestine voters never took pains to assess the electoral fall out for carrying out a genocide against Palestinians.  In their minds and in what they say they have downplayed the significance of participating in genocide – they have normalized it.  So they say things like “The genocide will be worse under Trump.” Biden’s “lesser genocide” is acceptable to them. 

We on the other hand want all of the killing by the USA – Israel genocide machine to be halted today – this minute.  The Democrats and even their fan club campaigners make it clear the genocide will continue if the Democrats snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.  So Trump or Biden or whatever Democrat – Genocide continues and the repression against us here in the USA trying to stop it escalates.

The Democrats do not seem to have any path to defeat Trump.  It is their own doing. They are not settled on a candidate with just over 3 months until election day.  Their campaign is behind by an apparently insurmountable Trump lead in most of the battle states.  Much of the funding is frozen and when they switch campaigns they will have to raise the funds again since funds are not transferable from Biden’s campaign war chest.  The failure of the Democrats has nothing to do with our taking our votes elsewhere – with or without the anti-genocide votes – the Democrats are in a hard losing position currently.

Democrats make the argument every election that voting for another candidate who they say can not possibly win is a wasted vote or a vote for a Republican candidate .  Now that argument can be made about a vote for the Democrats as it does not seem as if they have a path to victory. 

That being the case – the anti-genocide movement needs to do what is best for the Palestinian people. 

While everyone talked about keeping violence out of the political process after Trump was shot at – on that same day there was another Israel massacre using US weapons at a tent encampment that was identified as a safe zone by Israel with over 100 murdered.  Two days earlier Biden had released the temporary and symbolic hold on delivery of 500 pound bombs to Israel.  Nobody mentioned those casualties and that violence in their new found concern about peaceful politics.

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein was brutally assaulted this past spring at Washington University in Missouri where she was providing protective perimeter support joining faculty and students at Washington University in Missouri.  A large police officer pressed his police issue patrol bike forcefully crushing Jill who was then arrested for the crime of being assaulted.  That violence has not been part of the national discourse of keeping violence out of politics either.

The best strategic move for anti-genocide forces now is to stick to our opposition to the hopelessly pro-Israel and genocidal Democratic Party as well as the openly extremist Trump-ian campaign.  They arm Israel and they are arming US with repressive tools to use against our democratic demands to end the genocide.  They are not on the side of the Palestinian people and they are not on the side of our efforts to end genocide.