
Update: Schumer Shuffle: Sneaking IHRA Definition Laws into NDAA Fails – Free Speech Depriving Measures Not Included

Looking for details but GeXGirl (see tweet) who has been monitoring has concluded that the NDAA bill approved by the US Senate does NOT included the fascist free speech suppression measures. Our victory for now but lets stay steadfast in continuing the fight!

Apparently, pro-Israel lobby groups working through NY Senator Chuck Schumer (D) (AIPAC has $1.7M plus invested in Schumer) are attempting to shove the death of the Beloved US First Amendment Constitutionally Protected Free Speech into the Defense Authorization bill without a full disclosure to the American people whose rights are being legislated away. Schumer and pro-Israel gangster legislators of both political parties in the US Senate are attempting to accomplish the death of the US Constitution by secretly burying the repression in the Defense Authorization bill BY DECEMBER 20 2024!

Below is a video synapse of the fascist elimination of free speech that Schumer is shuffling into the Defense Authorization bill. Gen X Girl, video artist, is urging all to call 202-224-3121 to tell your US Senators to vote no.

FightBackBetter obviously is absolutely appalled at the level that both lead Israel-serving parties are stooping to destroy the fundamental cornerstone of US Democracy – our Beloved Right to Protected Free Speech per the First Amendment of the Constitution. It is what we have for centuries fought for and it is what the current gang of Israel-serving politicians bought off by AIPAC have sold out to destroy.