
Perth Amboy Unifying to End US / Israel Genocide in Gaza!

Report Submitted By perthamboyforpalestine 

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On May 22, 2024, Perth Amboy For Palestine, Perth Amboy Branch of the NAACP, Front Line Youth, and allies attended the Perth Amboy City Council meeting. This marks the third council meeting where residents have advocated for the adoption of a Ceasefire Resolution, which is detailed in our Instagram bio. We have gathered over 200 signatures in support of this resolution, yet the Perth Amboy City Council has continually ignored and suppressed our voices. Yesterday’s meeting was no different, as Perth Amboy residents were met with profound disrespect and undemocratic behavior from Council President Milady Tejada.

Our initial outreach to the Perth Amboy City Council was on April 28, 2024, requesting a meeting with at least one council member to discuss the Ceasefire Resolution and the petition. Despite their obligation to meet with constituents regardless of differing beliefs, our respectful and collaborative approach was met with silence. After receiving no response, we attended the City Council meeting on April 29, 2024. Despite presenting the Ceasefire Resolution and petition, the Council did not communicate their stance on the resolution.

Following further silence, we emailed the Council on May 3, 2024, seeking to schedule a meeting and hear their viewpoints on the Ceasefire Resolution. This request was ignored by all members. However, Council member Cruz informed us that the resolution had been sent to their attorney for further exploration. This promising news turned out to be misleading when, at the May 8, 2024 meeting, Council member Puccio dismissed the resolution as “too one-sided.” Despite our response, the resident was dismissed in an aggressive tone, and Council member Cruz reiterated that they were still considering the resolution.
The first positive step occurred on May 14, 2024, when Council member Torres expressed support for the Ceasefire Resolution and requested its inclusion in the next City Council agenda. We commend and appreciate Council member Torres for standing on the right side of history. However, on May 22, 2024, Council President Milady Tejada ignored this request, leaving the Ceasefire Resolution off the agenda due to unspecified concerns about “word choice.” No prior communication about the wording issue was provided.

When questioned about her objections to the wording, Tejada could not give a clear answer and attempted to discredit the online petition, which she had access to for three weeks, by claiming it lacked physical signatures. Her contempt and disdain were further evident as she cut off speakers and refused to answer questions. While we respect differing viewpoints among Council members, we cannot normalize elected officials refusing to engage constructively with constituents. Despite Council member Torres’s attempts, the resolution did not receive a “second motion” from any other council member.

We condemn the lack of transparency and unprofessional behavior from Council President Tejada and reject the inaction from the Perth Amboy City Council regarding the Ceasefire Resolution. Hundreds of Palestinian children and families continue to die every day while the Perth Amboy City Council remains silent, despite the suffering being funded by U.S. and Perth Amboy residents’ tax dollars.

We thank everyone who has signed the petition, attended city council meetings, and continues to advocate for the Ceasefire Resolution. We are officially elevating this communal concern to a Perth Amboy City Emergency. We are determined to pass a Ceasefire Resolution and need the support of community members to make this a reality in the face of the Council’s unwavering repression.