Message to New Jersey: A Vote for AIPAC is a Vote for Genocide!
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC /ˈeɪpæk/ AY-pak) is a pro-Israel lobbying group that advocates its policies to the legislative and executive branches of the United States. According to AIPAC’s own website: “AIPAC brings together Democrats and Republicans to advance our shared mission. Building bipartisan support for the U.S.-Israel relationship is an American value we are proud to champion.” For decades AIPAC and other pro-Israel lobby groups have promoted laws favoring Israel including armaments provisions and other forms of economic aid, favorable trade, corporate partnership in arms, surveillance, population control, imprisonment and other nefarious industry between Israel and US corporate interests, strategic and tactical coordination and shared military and diplomatic objectives and most notably now US support for genocide and US fascist crackdown against the Pro-Palestine solidarity and support effort in the United States.
Since 2021, AIPAC started a whole new way to control US policy. Instead of just high pressure lobbying they pay the US politicians outright – through campaign contributions. That is why whenever you hear liberal Democrats tell you about the horrors of Trump (Trump is a horror and our movement will take Trump on first handed – not just on Facebook but in the streets and on the campuses) they never tell you about the terrible way the Republicans place the interests of Israel before the interests of voters in the US because the Democrats do the very same thing – provide the full resources of the US government to the benefit of Israel.
The Israel reach into NJ is deep. Currently the Harris – BIden Administration Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines is running around with a story about Iran trying to push the US elections toward BIden and another probably related story that Iran is trying to promote pro-Palestine activism – totally vapid claims with no evidence presented by the Prosecutor Kamala or BIden. But we do not have to make up false boogey man stories about Iran – we can just visit the TRAC AIPAC site from which these slides were scraped to see how the whole US government is a bought entity of pro-Israel.
That is why there is genocide with US support. That is why the Prosecutor is coming for the Pro-Palestine movement as well as the Democrats in Congress and the Democrats in the NJ Statehouse.
But we have a message to share with NJ – we are blowing the whistle on the whole bought lot of them. A possible exception is Bonnie Watson-Coleman who HAS received pro-Israel funding but not directly from AIPAC. Notably she boycotted the Netanyahu fascist hate orgy at the House Chamber in Washington DC on July 24.
Bottom line: if you care about the Palestinian people, and you oppose the US – Israel genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza, if you support protected free speech even for those who speak out against US support for genocide – you must REJECT the AIPAC slate which is across both Democrats and Republicans.
How do you do that in New Jersey? On November 5 2024, every NJ voter has an opportunity to vote against US support for genocide 3 times. For president Jill Stein who WILL be on the ballot, for US Senate Christina Khalil and for Congress, for the Green Party candidate running for Congress in your Congressional District.
How AIPAC Works: