Op EDVoices

Meet the New Boss (Genocider) . . . .

There is some premature celebration including even among advocates of ending genocide about the potential rise of Kamala Harris as the replacement candidate to “Genocider Joe” BIden and some are suggesting it will mean an improvement for the Palestinian people.

This analysis will need to go much deeper but for now I will attempt to train everyone’s eye on the ball. The following is a tweet from a White House National Security advisor:

The unwavering commitment that the BIden administration has demonstrated to the “security of the state of Israel” is a euphemism for the genocide that has killed according to the Lancet medical journal close to 200K Palestinians.

Nothing fundamentally will change with the changing of the candidate as Fightbackbetter has already suggested in the following recent piece:

And of course the proof is in the pudding – Kamala is riding high on the AIPAC campaign funding fix as shown by AIPAC Tracker. We will continue to bring more of the details. Clearly the genocide continues under Kamala if she is the pick. Those who have been strong in their opposition to genocide but are now embracing this potential new genocide over seer without even acknowledging that she has been part of Biden’s genocidal administration as well as already sold out to the pro-IDF lobby agencies: Please reconsider – you know who you are!

Read through Comrade Smoothbrain’s response tweets for a sample of the true Kamala Harris – not the illusion being put forward.

Related topical reading:

