Elections 2024NJ Congress

Latinos Supporting Palestinians Call for Nellie Pou to Sever Ties to AIPAC

NJ Green Party candidate for NJ’s 11th Congressional District Lily Benavides and about a dozen NJ Latino voters have launched an initiative including a sign-on statement calling upon the Democratic Party candidate for NJ’s 9th Congressional Nelle Pou to sever her ties to the pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC that donates millions to pro-Israel candidates of both political parties interfering with the American democracy by creating undue foreign influence regarding arming of Israel and repressing of voices in the US that oppose genocide and support the Palestinian people.

There is a coupon under the statement and Latino voters of NJ are invited to sign on to the statement. They can sign publicly meaning their name will be added to the list of signers and displayed publicly or they can sign privately. Organizations can also sign on if an officer can confirm that the group has agreed to join this call for Nellie Pou to sever her connecitons to AIPAC. – FightBackBetter Editor

We Latinos Supporting Palestinians in NJ are responding to the accolades celebrating Nellie Pou as the first Latino Woman Congressional candidate in NJ.

However the legacy of this accomplishment is soiled by your support for Israel and your acceptance of financing of your campaign from AIPAC and related pro-Israel sources.

Latino struggle can not be moved forward over the graves of the slaughtered Palestinian people.

Both political parties have subordinated the interests of the American people to the relentless demands of Israel for unending support of their actions that increase in depravity by the day and even by the hour.

Latinos historically have faced oppression, repression and exploitation throughout Latin America and here in the USA.  We only have made progress and will continue to make progress when we are united against all oppression and united with all of the oppressed.

We can not support your candidacy that is based upon receiving funds from political forces that aim to manipulate US elections processes to the whims of the Israel government. 

Your acceptance of the funds and your allying your views with the genocidal and war escalating Israel regime is untenable for the continuation of the true struggle for Latino progress.

We call upon you Nellie Pou to renounce and turn back the donations from the AIPAC and other pro-Israel lobby groups and to renounce your stated support for Israel.

Otherwise and for now, we are opposed to your candidacy and in the 9th Congressional District we urge a unified vote against genocide, in support of Ben Taylor for Congress.


Lily Benavides

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Yes, you are Latino and a NJ registererd voter and that you agree with and sign this statement
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