Pax Christi, Others Urge Signing JRD (Disapproval) Letter Opposing $20B More for Genocide aka
URGE NJ’s Senators to Support Effort to Block $20 Billion Offensive Weapons Sale to Israel
NJ State-Level Advocacy of JRDs Sign-on Letter to US Senators
- form for ORGANIZATIONS to sign the letter
- form for INDIVIDUALS to sign the letter
- fact sheet on the JRDs
- NJ State Letter HERE
Not from NJ? Look for your state letter here
The Joint Resolutions of Disapproval (JRDs) (S.J.Res.111 to S.J.Res.116) introduced on September 25 by Senators Sanders, Welch, Schatz and Merkley to block the delivery of an additional $20B of U.S.weapons to Israel, over and above the record-breaking amount of $17.9B in weapons already delivered since October 7, 2023.
The JRDs would block the transfer of the types of weapons that Israel has used in strikes that have killed thousands of civilians, including aid workers and journalists, in Gaza over the last year. Independent human rights and conflict monitors have thoroughly documented the Israeli military’s use of weapons from the United States in attacks that have killed Palestinian civilians. President Biden has described Israeli government attacks as “indiscriminate.” For example, the JRDs would block the delivery of joint direct attack munitions (JDAMs) and tank shells, which the Israeli military has repeatedly used in attacks that have killed civilians in densely populated areas. The JRDs do not block purely defensive weapons systems such as the Iron Dome.
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The deadline to sign is November 6th at noon.