Published Petition Requirements Set for 2025 – Democrats Trying to Change the Rules (Cheat) – Grassroots Prepares Counter Moves
Editor’s Note: After successfully pressuring NJ Elecrtions DIvision to cease and desist from its unusual decision to withhold the publications of the 2025 petitions for candidates seeking nomination to run in the general elections, Green Party Elections Chair Barry Bendar has sent a warning letter to the NJ Secretary of State Tahesha Way warning her not to cheat in this election by attempting to raise the petititon count requirement after the requirements were published and the NJ election season is already in motion. The Democrats are pushing a change to law that would be a major power grab almost tripling petition count requirements. It passed in the Assembly and they are working hard to push it through in the NJ Senate. The Democrats are going to try to impose the petition count requirement hike even thought this year’s petitions have already been published indicating the currentl level of signaturtes needed, 100 for NJ Assembly seats and 800 for the NJ Governor seat.
FightBackBetter is working with candidates across multiple parties including Democratic Primary candidates and we are seeking plaintiffs who are willing to support legal action calling for an injunction should the NJ Democrats try to impose the petition count requirement hike on the 2025 elections which are already in motion. Please complete form to indicate your interest as a plaintiff in an action calling for an injunction against the planned cheat by NJ Democratic Party.
Bottom line democrats: You can not change the rules of the game once it is started. That is called CHEATING!
From: Barry Bendar <>
Sent: Jan 19, 2025 7:06 PM
To: <>, <>
Cc: <>, Bob Witanek <>
Subject: Signature Requirements on published petitions for the 2025 General Election
The Hon. Tahesha Way, Lt. Governor and Secretary of State
Lt. Governor Way,
The petitions for the General Election in 2025 are now available and are ready for immediate use by Independent and Third Party Candidates. We (as the Green Party of New Jersey) have already begun circulating these petitions for signatures.
It has been stated that a bill that has already passed in the New Jersey Assembly and the one pending in the State Senate, if passed will take effect immediately. These bills will alter the number of signatures required by candidates for office, inflating them greatly. On the petitions now published by the NJ Division of Elections, the number of signatures for Assembly Candidates stands at 100, while the number for Gubernatorial Candidates is 800, as it has been for some time. This pending legislation cannot invalidate the work candidates are presently undertaking, as it would end up in massive litigation.
There is no disclaimer on the current petition that mentions anything about a change in requirements, and we are holding the New Jersey Division of Elections to that. These actions by our current elected legislature show their disdain for democracy in a state where obtaining major party status is a near impossibility based on their rules.
Changing signature requirements after candidates have begun their arduous work would be both improper and immoral. The result would end up in legal push back from various venues. I am hoping we can count of your Division to remain upright in regard this questionable situation.
Barry D. Bendar
Elections Chair
The Green Party of New Jersey
(609) 276-3183

It’s like that!
And that’s the
It Is!
*This is an open-letter communication published:
If you are interested in being a plaintiff if we act for an injuntion on any attempt by the Democrats to cheat in the NJ elections of 2025 by increasong petition requirements after the petitions have already published, please provide the following information: