ActionCalendarsOrganizingResources Launches Events Calendar

January 27, 2024

It is our fourth day having gone live on Wednesday, January 24, we have added a feature for a consolidated calendar of events.

There will be a semi manual process to keep the calendar updated working together with other calendar keepers like the keeper of this fine calendar.

For now, if you have events that are not yet on the calendar the best way to let me know is to use the simple form below.

A more useful form will soon be added to make the process smoother – we are building this site brick by brick while trying to provide immediate value to NJ’s Palestine Solidarity movement.

See the featured photo above for the location of the Events Calendar, the last item under the Organizing Heading in the main menu.

The URL for the Calendar of Events is

The Plug In used was free and is helpful but it does not provide for ease of recurring events and other features. It will be a $100 upgrade for a more optimal calendar facility. I guess we will start to put together a budget for the wish list for further development!
