NJ GenocidersPoliticians

Did Booker and 25 Dem Senators Really Make a Significant Break From Biden in Calling for Cease Fire? Short Answer – NO!

Yesterday, 25 US Senators including Senator Booker issued a statement that it some may be condusing as a call for a permanent ceasefire, but it is NOT. The statement is a support for both President Biden’s policy and Netanyahu’s military assault on Gaza.

Please call your senator and ask them to do better. Let them know that we want them to call for a permanent ceasefire, to stop arming Israel and an end to the injustice that leads to violence.

Call Script:
Hello, my name is [Name]. I am a constituent and a member of [organization or congregation]. I am calling because I am very disappointed with your statement dated February 15th that stands behind the Netanyahu government’s “objective” in Gaza. The Israeli military is currently bombing and preparing for a ground assault in Rafah, where 1.5 million civilians are living in makeshift shelters and tents. Your words of concern for Palestinians ring hollow while you are authorizing our tax dollars to arm this slaughter. When will you back up your words with action? When will you stop arming Israel?

Please see the Insta posting.

I would like to see this further expanded upon to make it clear as to exactly the problem with this charade. Thank you for the work on this Insta tile set – if you have a more complete explanation it can be published here.

Details and contact to organizers in embedded INsta.