Demand of NJ: Drop the false charges against Lisa Davis – Please Attend Trial Noon Fri Feb 21. Maplewood
Almost a year after this phony set up – a provocateur pulled his car up, parked illegally and precariously and proceeded to berate and harass peaceful protestsers calling for a cease fire and an end to US support for Israeli genocide. The police ended up charging the only Black person at the even Lisa Davis with patently false charges. This is an example of what IHRA NJ will look like if the Democrat led measure to criminalize advocacy for the dignity and lives of Palestinians is passed. This FightBackBetter DEMANDS: Drop the DAMNED charges on Lisa Davis and to Trenton – HANDS OFF NJ’S BELOVED PROTECTED FREE SPEECH RIGHTS! NO IHRA!
Attend trial:

URGENT CALL TO ACTION! Demand that New Jersey drop the scurrilous, false charges against Lisa Davis, a long time community activist, vice chair of the Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations, and a strong member of the Uhuru Movement!
After being verbally accosted by a zionist on March 31st, 2024, while attending a pro Palestine ceasefire vigil in South Orange, NJ, she was racially profiled and targetted by the state, which blamed her for the encounter and falsely charged her with organizing a special event without a permit and making loud, continuous noise with an amplification device. NONE OF THESE ACCUSATIONS ARE TRUE! Local residents of South Orange/Maplewood had been organizing these weekly vigils since November 2023. Lisa Davis merely attends this.
Help us expose the utter corruption of South Orange and the State of New Jersey by signing the petition, writing emails to local officials of NJ, and demanding an investigation.
More information on Instagram at this link.