Governor Candidate Makes Sweeping Smear of Paterson, Largest Palestinian / 2nd Largest Arab Community in US
It is clear that Islamophobia is in full swing in NJ – from ICE running amok and expanding operations in Newark, to Democrats pushing IHRA legislation to repress our protected free speech rights to advocate for Palestine – and now a Gubernatorial candidate making a sweeping smear against the Paterson community.
What a foul mouth fascist villain is this Bill Spadea. But he speaks the same venom as Trump, Musk and the minions who shoot their mouths off – making it up as they go and because they said something one or more times they believe it is true.
You want to mobilize fascist Trump-ian venom against the Paterson community, against the Palestinian Americans, the Arab Americans, the Muslim Americans AND ALL THE OTHERS that live there and struggle there every day? That is your path to Trenton? Hateful venom, smears and talking out of your rear end.
FightBackBetter will do its best to make sure that CD 9 – LD 35 constituents are fully aware of your Republican plans for their respective communities.