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TAKE ACTION! Fake Real Estate Sale – Selling Stolen West Bank Estates

Please see details below in video detailing the illegality of this stolen real estate sale. The following are the action steps:


๐Ÿ“ž New Jersey Real Estate Commission: 609.292.7272
๐Ÿ“ž Robert Splaine, Chief of Investigations: 609.940.7382
๐Ÿ“ž Aurelio Romero, Director of Real Estate: 609.940.7474

Points to add:
Event violates domestic anti discrimination laws:
โ€ขFair Housing Act of 1968 (can’t have an “only” event ex. Whites only, Jews only etc)
โ€ขCivil Rights Act 1965

โ€ขViolates international law (UN Security Council Resolution 2334) by trying to advertise and sell 3 West Bank properties! ๐Ÿšจ Especially in the middle of a genocide where 40k people have been slaughtered on the lands they are bombing and now selling! ๐Ÿšจ

๐Ÿ“ฃ What else you can do: ๐Ÿ“ฃ

๐Ÿ“ž Call Congregation Keter Torah: (201) 907-0180 and tell them to IMMEDIATELY CANCEL THIS EVENT and that they are breaking U.S. Federal Law (The Fair Housing Act of 1968 as Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act) and international law (UN Security Council Resolution 2334) by holding this event!

๐Ÿ“ฃ Tell Mayor Michael Pagan to cancel this event which is in violation of U.S. and International law: (201) 543-7671

โŒจ๏ธ His FB page:

๐Ÿ“ฑHis IG: @mayorpagan

Everyone who purchases Palestinian stolen land at this event is a criminal and should be exposed!

#humanrights #humanity #massmurder #stolenland #stolenlands #watermelon #thisisnotadrill #islam #muslims

@fightbackbetter @teaneckforpalestine @newjersey4palestine @pslnewjersey @pal_actionus @rjp.nj @palestinianyouthmovement @sjprutgersnb @sjpstockton @cssw4palestine @soma_for_palestine @ru4palestine @nj11forpalestine @amp_newjersey @jvpcentralnj @rowansjp @sjforgaza @sjp.princeton @sjptcnj @sjp.rutgersnb

Teaneck comrades, what are we going to do about this?This clip is from last night’s council meeting. Rich Seigel from Teaneck, NJ stated that an Israeli real estate sale that is being hosted by a synagogue here in town violates both domestic civil rights law and international law. It also violates basic morality to sell land that is stolen during an ongoing genocide of its indigenous people, the Palestinians.Like, comment, and share. Make this go viral. This can not be allowed to take place. We will not stand for this.


click pic to see vid on insta and contact organizers

To connect with organizers of the call to action – click on the picture:

Protest Plan: