NJ Gov Debate Disruption: No Politics as Usual During an Ongoing US Supported Genocide!
Palestine advocates got their message across clearly on Sunday, March 2, 2025 at a NJ gubernatorial debate at Douglass College in New Brunswick. The first evidence of activity was the distribution of a flier to arriving participants:

Below is the 4 pronged demand of the Palestine advocates who have been steadfast in NJ for the last year and a half against the bipartisan US support with US tax dollars for genocide. Once the dust settles, the building rubble is cleared and the final figures are gathered, the number killed will be several 100 thousand Palestinians since October 2023. The key demands based upon NJ state level support for the genocide include:
1. No to the IHRA laws that the Democrats are in lead role of pushing that will criminalize the world and political views of over 1 million NJ residents who are critical of Israel.
2. Repeal NJ anti-BDS laws – we have a right to buy or not buy and consider ethical and humanitarian concerns when making financial and consumer decisions which are protected by the US Constitution in the First Amendment, the right to protected free speech.
3. End US collusion with Israel genocide through the NJ-Israel Commission which coordinates direct NJ participation and profiting and economically aiding and abetting US – Israel genocide against Palestinians.
4. Permanent cease fire for Gaza and Lebanon, an end to the annexations in the West Bank and an immediate cut to funding and weapons to Israel.
During the event, pro-Palestine advocates were positioned throughout the audience and the balcony rafters were festooned with Keffieyeh’s showing support for the plight of the Palestinian people.

NJ has made it clear to the politicians of both dominant political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans. NJ calls out the propensity of both parties to be in absolute support of the slaughter of Palestinians and in absolute denial of the war crimes against humanity they are absolutely complicit in. While NJ’s elected officials silently vote for one genocidal aiding package after another and continue to repeat propaganda and lies about the nature of the US supported slaughter – the people of NJ are NOT silent and the community once again, as we have 100s of times in the past year and a half, has broken the silence and confronted the genocidal system on this stage.
According to a participant, “We in the US supply the bombs to continue the genocide and allow Israel to violate ceasefires time and time again. And all the funds are coming from the people of the USA’s hard-earned taxes- it’s not going towards things we need here in US like housing, healthcare, education, child care, maternal care, homelessness, opioid epidemic, and so forth. It’s going to a foreign country so they can commit genocide and also have those things instead that we are denied!”
Here a disruption breaks out about these “SEE NO EVIL” genocide supporting democrats.