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LD-37 Candidate Warburg Background Suggests Fulop Lean Toward IHRA Fraud

In order to get a better understanding of the Fulop Assembly bandwagon phenomenon, and how it impacts the efforts to protect NJ’s beloved protected First Amendment Free Speech Rights, this FightBackBetter editor has been taking a closer look at his Assembly candidates to try to pinpoint Fulop’s position. Of course it would be easier if Fulop himself would just answer the question as to where HE HIMSELF stands on the IHRA fraudulent conflation attempt to redefine antisemitism.

The threat to our free speech rights in the NJ Assembly comes from the proposed bill  NJ Assembly (A3558) that would falsely equate criticism of Israel and opposition to its policies as ant-semitism.  Currently ¾ of the Assembly body, including the majority of Democrats and of Republicans in the Assembly,  are aligned with this destruction of our free speech rights either as a sponsor or co-sponsor of the fascist measure.

The research has surfaced at least one Fulop team member is likely a supporter of the conflation of Judaism and the nation state of Israel under the false pretense of IHRA. Tamar Warburg of Teaneck, has been named as a Fulop aligned candidate seeking nomination in NJ’s LD 37. The following Jewish Link article has in depth comments from candidate Warburg and details a vetting session of sorts between Mayor Fulop and candidate Warburg’s invited guests hosted by Warburg and her husband Yigal Gross in their private home. If Warburg is successful it could flip the seat of Assembly woman Shama Haider who is one of the few current Assembly members NOT listed as a supporter of A3558.

Candidate Warburg is lead counsel of Jewish Community Foundation (JCF) of Greater Metrowest NJ. While its website does not explicitly mention IHRA (from a quick review) it talks about opposing antisemitism and antizionism. There was no argument on the site stating an equivalence though they are mentioned together in each mention. JCF is not itself a lobbyist organization. It is considered the philanthropist and education offshoot of the Jewish Federations which is a lead pro-Israel lobbyist group that works with AIPAC and numerous other pro-Israel lobby groups. For example, the following page from Jewish Federation website speaks about how it played the lead role with 16 other pro-Israel groups including lobby groups like AIPAC to promote the IHRA  conflation of Judaism with the nation-state of Israel in the form of the  Antisemitism Awareness Act (H.R.6090).


Her affiliation suggest that candidate Warburg is likely supportive of the IHRA bill – as opponents of the bill for now we should make that assumption unless she clarifies otherwise.

The Link article gave details about an unscripted Q&A and Warburg spoke glowingly in the article how she not only endorses but joins the Fulop campaign as an Assembly candidate. Certainly that sort of endorsement from chief counsel of the pro-Israel JCF Metrowest group, which itself is adjacent to the pro-Israel lobby group Jewish Federation would suggest that Fulop’s position on IRHA could be in their court. It seems though none of the candidates aside from Gottheimer want to actually spell out their position – this editor has asked them all dozens of times.

If Fulop was so forthcoming at the private meeting in Tamar Warburg’s home with unscripted questions, why will he not publicly answer the question that this editor has been asking him since mid November:

Mayor Fulop, what is your stance on the laws proposed by the NJ Democratic Party and supported by NJ Republican legislators as well that would accept the IHRA definition of antisemitism conflating Judaism with the nation state of Israel and also call for the enforcement of that false definition across all recipients of NJ state funding?  Are you going to preside over the elimination of NJ’s beloved free speech rights and bring legal harm to 1 million NJ voters and residents?

Warburg is said to be challenging Assembly woman  Shama Haider (D-Tenafly)  who is currently the only Muslim American in the NJ Assembly.  Shama Haider is NOT a co-sponsor of A3558.  Voting for Warburg in LD37 likely becomes a vote for repression if her view on this matches the agency for which she is chief counsel, Jewish Community Foundation and the lobby that body is connected to Jewish Federations.