Mapping Out Plans to Confront and Disrupt the Genocide Profiteers – 5 Possible Sites in or Near NJ – Research Continuing is working dover4palestine to review a map created by Resist and Abolish the Military Industrial Complex (RAM INC) showing locations of facilities that are actively producing weapons for Israel. The map includes Raytheon, Boeing, Woodward, Elbit, and others. Dover 4 Palestine has identified the 3 closest to us. The objective is to identify these as possible sites of protest and to share the information with NJ’s very strong movement against genocide for consideration of possible corporate campaigns targeting genocide profiteering. It is work that must be done but we need to analyze the capacity and effectiveness of each move. Gathering information makes sense in any event.
This is the link to the complete map:
This is the announcement by RAM INC on twitter:
New resource map shows facilities confirmed to be actively producing weapons for Israel:
Take action and SHUT DOWN these facilities.
— RAM INC (@resist_abolish) February 26, 2024
There are 3 facilities within proximity of NJ according to Dover for Palestine – they are identified in the depicted map.
Greenbriar Equity Group, Greenwich Plaza 1 Greenwich Plaza, Suite 110, Greenwich, CT 06830

Greenbriar Equity Group, the private equity owners of RTX
Greenbriar Equity Group, the private equity owners of RTX is a part of a $11,254,020 contract to provide 480-gallon external fuel tanks for the F/A-18 E/F and EA-18G for the state of Israel and its military. The contract was announced on September 6, 2023 and the work associated with this contract is estimated to be completed by July 2024. (source RAM INC)
Find more information about this contract at
Additional Citations:
Editors Note:
From the looks of this location it is more of a business location. We would have to research the operation more to know how much of the work is being done here before deciding this is a best option for such protest. Do we prefer protesting at a manufacturing site or a business site and does it matter? Also it is likely that this operation is one of many operations in this building, many of which might have nothing to do with our protest. The aerial view shows two roads and the rail station as possible forward facing places to protest. The rail station could be an interesting location depending upon how busy the rail line is passenger wise and also there would likely be some bumping into claims that the space is “not public” and that protests might be asked to leave due to safety reasons. However there might be some space we can figure out on the rail station spot. This site is about 1 hour from each NYC and Paterson NJ. As with any location, we would need to determine if there is any local committees that might be interested in helping to motivate such action. Also it would need to be researched how busy those roads are but if that is a busy train station it is likely there is some traffic audience potential with protests there.
Hudson Technologies, 29 Holt Dr, Stony Point, NY 10980
Hudson Technologies is a part of a $250,000,000 contract to provide industrial gas and cylinder program for the state of Israel and its military. The contract was announced on July 30, 2021 and the work associated with this contract is estimated to be completed by July 2026. (source RAM INC). Find more information about this contract at
The company actually has corporate headquarters in NJ, Hudson Technologies, Inc., 300 Tice Boulevard, Suite 290, Second Floor, Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677
Editor’s note”
I do not believe they occupy the entire sprawling complex. Not sure how much actual business transpires here from the firm Both the sites look off the beaten path as far as having visible impact to a traffic or pedestrian audience. The Woodcliff Lake location being IN NJ could be accessible to a NJ effort. We might be able to figure out a protest location nearby to the actual physical location that would have more visibility – or drive through protests to drive past the place and through the town. Paterson is under an hour and NYC slightly over an hour to Stony Point location. That looks like it might be a manufacturing site though more research would be needed.
AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corp, 3050 Red Lion Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19114
Philadelphia Corp is a part of a $29,238,432 contract to provide AW119Kx Koala
helicopters for the state of Israel and its military. The contract was announced on April 1, 2022 and the work associated with this contract is estimated to be completed by June 2024.
Find more information about this contract at
Editor’s Note:
North East Philadelphia, very close to 95 so accessible from NJ especially Southern Jersey. If it were to be targeted – some analysis as to the objectives and staging area would be needed. It might be a decent selection for protest. Geno-copter provisions is definitely a key role in genocide!
Other NJ Accessible Locations of Genocide Profiteering
This research piece is not intended to be exhaustive – we need to continue the research and identify more possible sites and determine what there is capacity to do and consider if targeting any of this genocide production going on in or near NJ. Two Other Possibilities – Not from RAM-INC report that are possibly accessible from NJ are touched on here. Those who are interested in this research and if you have a proposal for siting protest that you want to bring to – write to .
L3Harris, 77 River Rd, Clifton, NJ 07014
This article and video from Pax Christi NJ does a good job detailing LT Harris genocidal complicity:
“L3Harris is the 6th largest US defense contractor. It supports Israeli war crimes in Palestine and profits from the militarization of the US Mexico border all with US tax dollars. President Biden wants to increase US military funding to Israel by $14 billion. He is willing to trade increased militarization of the border, expanded detention and expedited deportation in order to get it passed. #StopArmingIsrael #DemilitarizeTheBorder #DivestFromDeath #DefundHate #StopGenocide #Ceasefirenow #ceasefireingazanow #ceasefireingaza “
The protest depicted in the video is situated at the corner with Route 3 – a super visible traffic location and the site has already been established as a protest site.
Lockheed Martin, KIng of Prussia, PA
Another recent protest took place at King of Prussia PA at Lockheed Martin, about 45 minutes from Trenton NJ. See report below. We can probably reach out to the organizers to get a heads up on location planning if this were to be selected as a target.
The following article has the video about the recent protest. We should continue to gather information. There is another Lockheed Martin in Moorestown NJ apparently – we can add that information as well. Lets plan our activities carefully with the guiding principle of clearly defined objectives and maximum effectiveness. Let the research, discussion and proposal process continue! FREE PALESTINE!