FightBackBatter Condemns Silence as Leading Palestine Activist Subjected to Threats by Betar Terror Organization
A fascist pro-Israel group in the US in a tweet has glibly offered $1800 to anyone who can give a beeper to Palestinian American Nordeen Kiswani, one of the lead founders of the prominent Within Our Lifetimes NYC area based organization that plays a significant role in protest coordination against genocide in NYC, Betar commented under the tweet that its threats and harassment are part of what it calls its attempt to attack “Hamas” in the USA. In general – many pro-Israel proponents and organizations consider anyone daring to question Israel as Hamas supporting and in general they would like to see our voices and our existence eliminated. Betar is also providng smearing false information to the Trump administration which is using the information to target pro-Palestine advocates for deportation. Trump is engaged with this fascist extra legal non government actor – purveying fascist vigilante action.
From the US Capitol in DC to the NJ capitol in Trenton, politicians pound their chest with false accusations of anti-semitism against anyone who dares to question the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza by the US and Israel. Meanwhile fascist pro-Israel groups like Betar proliferate, without any politicians stepping forward and no state action to stop their threats of violence. It is clear that the fascist scenario is in moton with the creation of laws justifying the policing and repression of pro-Palestine advocacy while simultaneously the government works with fascist pro-Israel groups to create an environment of terror for those of us opposing the slaughter – and creating provocative incidents at our protests in an attempt to incite repressive acton from the assembled heavily armed riot cops.
While we face daunting days, months and years ahead – the desperation of government – the #TrumpBootDeepThroaters as well as the Democratic Party elected officials – most of them – going along with the policy and silent while fascists target us – is a sign of their weakness and our strength. In spite of their relentless ongoing slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank – forays into Syria, Lebanon and US bombing attacks in Yemen – we are resilient and growing stronger and winning greater support among the people here in the USA – many of us fed up and ready for action over this USA government putting us in a position of absolute collaboration with genocide. We are not intimidated – we are emboldened to fight more effectively!
Picture from Mondoweiss – article linked here.
More evidence of harassment and stalking: