Op EDVoices

New Petitioners Rushing to Join Jill Stein Nomination Effort – Petitioners Say Why

The deadline for filing for Jill Stein’s Green Party presidential nomination is July 29, 2024, which falls on the following Monday.

Following a recent pep talk within the Green Party, a brief rumor circulated that the petitioning efforts were falling short. However, organizers have confirmed that the minimum requirement of 800 signatures has already been met. The petition team is working diligently to prevent any potential challenges to the petition with a sizable number of additional signatures.

Due to the urgency of the situation, the petition team has been overwhelmed with requests from additional petitioners eager to assist in ensuring that Jill Stein secures a spot on the ballot in NJ.

With the decline of Joe Biden’s campaign and the turmoil within the Democratic Party, it is evident that the Democrats have little hope of a viable path to victory in 2024. The Democratic Party’s involvement in the genocide of the Palestinian people has heightened the sense of urgency in NJ to build political power capable of demanding an end to the genocide. The response of NJ and national Democrats to efforts against genocide makes it quite clear their intent to continue to vote to expand US tax dollars to arm the US – Israel genocide operation and to enact laws that will intensify repression against those opposing genocide.

The Green Party is experiencing increased support from NJ’s Muslim American and Arab American communities for the Jill Stein petition drive, as well as for US Senate candidate Christina Khalil and the full slate of 12 Green Party US congressional candidates who stand against genocide in NJ.

If you have yet to sign the Jill Stein nominating petition, please complete this form providing your e-mail and vicinity so our local petitioners can follow up and gather your signature: https://forms.gle/N5Uprmn3itKPXjqr8

We are reaching out to signers of the Jill Stein petition and petitioners for their comments on why they are supporting the Jill Stein campaign. Below are some of their comments:

Commentary of some Jill Stein petitioners

Jill Stein is the only true legitimate leader of AMERICA for ALL AMERICANS. The only way to save humanity is to vote Jill Stein into the most powerful office.. America desperately needs someone in power that understands the Constitution of America and upholds it’s true values of liberty and justice for ALL. Another important fact is she is NOT another AIPAC/NORPAC bought politician! Help save America!!! #votejillstein North Jersey Jill Stein nomination signature gatherer

If you would like to offer a comment or statement for publication on this topic – please complete following. Please include how to ID you in the article (e.g. by name, “Palestine Support Activist Essex”, whatever works for you.