Elections 2024

CAIR Action NJ Endorses Green Party Jill Stein for President, Christina Khalil for US Senate and Almost Entire NJ Green Party Slate

CAIR Action NJ, is a separate organization from CAIR NJ – it is 501(c)4 unlike CAIR NJ which is 501(c)3. Thus CAIR ACtion can endorse political candidates.

The full report from CAIR Action NJ is available from this link.

Describing the endorsement evaluation process in their report preface:

The 2024 election comes at a critical time for the Muslim community and all those committed to justice, human rights, and peace.
This year’s elections will not only shape domestic policies but also have profound implications for international issues, particularly
regarding the crisis in Palestine and surrounding countries.

In addition, rising Islamophobia continues to threaten the safety, rights, and dignity of Muslims in the U.S. and around the world.
The positions that candidates take on these issues—Palestine, Islamophobia, and broader justice concerns—are at the heart of our
evaluation for this voter guide. Their stances on a ceasefire, supporting an arms embargo, fighting anti-Muslim bigotry, and other
social justice issues have heavily influenced the determination of our support levels for candidates.
In a time when elections can be won by narrow margins, your vote is crucial. Through this Voter Guide, CAIR Action seeks to
empower you with information about candidates and where they stand on the issues that matter most. We have carefully evaluated
candidates based on their track record, policy positions, and their alignment with the principles of justice, inclusivity, and positive

To help you make informed choices at the ballot box, we’ve developed a clear framework for our levels of candidate support. Here’s
how we assess candidates and determine our recommendations:

This election has far-reaching consequences, especially in state and local races that could be decided by just a few votes. Your vote
is a powerful tool in shaping a future grounded in justice, peace, and equality for all. Use this guide to cast an informed vote that
reflects your values, and stand up for a world where human rights are upheld, from Gaza to your local community.
Together, we can build a future that reflects our shared values of justice, compassion, and equality.

The Green Party nationally and in NJ has focused much of its campaigning for elections 2024 around the issue of US support for Israel and its genocide operations in Gaza, expanding into the West Bank and Lebanon and the potential of Israel leading the world into a total Middle East War. Kamala Harris who is the 2nd highest recipient of funding from AIPAC (second to Joe Biden) has made clear that her support for Israel is “iron clad” and Donald Trump asserts that his support for Israel is even more concrete. Congressional representatives of both political parties, most of whom have ties to AIPAC and other pro-Israel lobby groups also are falseley equating anti-Semitism with opposition to and criticism of Israel which is having a fascist repressive impact on the pro-Palestine and anti-genocide movement in the US. CAIR Action NJ is obviously concerned about the subservience of both political party candidates to the dictates of Israel and has properly assessed the voting choices we must make.

A study has shown that in 3 swing states, Muslim voters are favoring Jill Stein for president over Kamala Harris. There has also been a unified call of most of the major Muslim organizations in the US that are not 501(c)3 to vote for anti-Genocide candidates – including Jill Stein.

The following are the endorsements of CAIR NJ – including Jill Stein for President, Christina Khalil for US Senate and the following Green Party congressional candidates: D1 Robin Brownfield, D2 Thomas Connavo, D3 Steve Welzer, D4 Barry Bendar, D5 Beau Forte, D7 Andrew Black, D8 Christian Robbins, D9 Benjamin Taylor, D11 Lily Benavides and D12 Kim Meudt.

CAIR Action NJ should be congratulated for this historic reconciliation of the truth about how both the Republican and Democratic parties are complicit in genocide. This FightBackBetter editor highly recommends that NJ voters opposing genocide familiarize yourself with this historic endorsement document and widely dirstribute the link to this article with supportive comments and about the need to vote against genocide.

It is clear that many Muslim Americans across the USA are steadfast in rejection of support for candidates and elected officials who continue to spout pro-Israel narrative and contiune to arm Israel as it slaughtes Palestinians, Lebanese and whoever is next on their hit list. Let us all encourage this historic development!