Democratic Party Assembly Candidates Opposing IHRA Bills in NJ
This FightBackBetter editor is happy to report that a 3rd Democratic Party candidate has come forward to state publicly opposition to the IHRA bills. Brian Everett who is a Democractic Party canddate – in the “Fulop candidate” entourage – seeking nomination in the primary in Legislative District 4 joins Brandon Saffold and Carolyn Rush, who are candidates seeking the Democratic Party nomination in LD1.
Brian Everett is partnered with Vanessa Hawkins – hopefully she will join her partner in this stand. Fightbackbetter is reaching out to all of the candidates with information on this development. Candidate Everett is challenging two Democratic Party assembly members who are both currently supporting the fascist IHRA bills, Dan Hutchison and Cody Miller. FightBackBetter urges these two supporters of fascist repression to take their names off of the bills.
Suggestion: Urge Vannessa Hawkins to oppose IHRA at this link.
FightBackBetter supports the following developments in LD 4: Voters shoud mobilize and support Brian Everett and urge Vanessa Hawkins to join his coourageous stand. Voters should urge Hutchison and Miller to get their names off the bill. We should continue to try to find one candidate to challenge in LD 4 in case we are unable to convince the two sitting assembly members and other current candidates to: Word up against IHRA!
This is a statement of the growing dissatisfaction of candidates challenging the unbridled support for repression by their own party’s leadership on this matter. It is also a statement to the impact of our work to stop these terrible bills from passing in NJ. FightBackBetter will get this information to as many of the candidates and to the sitting legislatiors of NJ who are currently and mistakenly in the majority on these steps toward fascism.
At a time when the Trump admiinsration is severely repressing Palestine advocacy, disappearing Mahmoud Khalil, picking up and deporting several other student Palestine advocates, threatening univerisities including 3 in NJ with federal funding cuts if they do not increase the repression of student protest – any true opposition party would not be giving the repressive admnistration more repressive powers and more powers to cut funding to schools, libraries, colleges, municipalities and non-profits – like these IHRA fraudulent repressive laws would. Congrats on Brian Everett stepping forward to announce opposition to the IHRA bill.