Op EDVoices

Jill Stein Demands US Halt Weapons to Israel to Prevent Wider War – Democrats Relying on War to Win Election

Israel has pushed the entire planet to the precipice of total war in the Middle East.  Most recently the Israeli assassination of Hamas leader Haniyeh and Iran’s vow to retaliate with a more significant than usual response has the entire planet on edge.  The US is sending a carrier strike group, a fighter squadron and additional warships to the Middle East as the region braces for an Iranian retaliation.

“October surprise” refers to the US phenomenon of a major news development in the weeks prior to an election that causes the voters to stick with the current ruling party or administration so as not to upset management of a major earth effecting crisis.  At this point it seems very likely that the Harris – Biden administration might be making this desperate play to allow things to escalate – in an attempt to scare voters into sticking with the current administration as the crisis continues to escalate and spin out of control.

The only adult voice in the room right now is Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate for president.  In a statement from candidate Stein published by the Turkish news service TRT World she demands that the United States leverage the weapons support for Israel to get Israel to end the genocide and to stop escalations toward total Middle East War.

Quoting Jill Stein’s statement:

The US is a full partner in Israel’s genocide and the US has basically allowed Israel to expand its war with impunity.  When the US attacked the Iranian counsel in Syria essentially Israel was allowed to continue on its way without a reprimand even from the US. So this is extremely alarming.  The people in the US who oppose genocide, who oppose a war in the Middle East are very much alarmed about this.  Yet it is hardly being discussed in our press at this point.  So we are doing all that we can to raise the alarm and to encourage the United States, really to demand that that the United States play the role here of a peacemaker which it could make.  But it requires reigning in Israel and essentially using the weapons which we are providing Israel as a bargaining chip to say we will not provide weapons, we should not provide weapons for the genocide in the first place, and certainly not for this to be expanded into a regional war which could go even beyond the regional basis. – Green Party candidate for US President Jill Stein in August 2 Statement to TRT World Turkish based news service

In commenting on the escalations toward total war Kamala Harris has stated that Israel has US’s “iron clad” support. The deployment of more war fire power by the US is creating a totally unstable situation. Israel and the US are opposed in the region by Hamas, Hezbollah of Lebanon, Syria, Iran, the Houthi in Yemen and many other militias. It is entirely possible that Israel and other surrounding nations can be for practical purposes destroyed. This is essentially a war in support of Israel genocide – all of the opponents of Israel have stated ending the genocide as the number one reason for their current confrontation with Israel.

Escalating Israel’s genocidal extermination of Palestinians into a regional war needs to be opposed unequivocally. Statements are needed from NJ’s genocide opposing spokespersons and organizations with a clear message: NO TO US – ISRAEL WAR IN MIDDLE EAST!

After a strong and united petition drive in the last week before the petition for presidential candidates deadline on July 29, a successful petition was submitted which places Jill Stein on the ballot. There has been no challenge to that petition and the clock has run out on the possibility of anyone challenging that petition. Jill Stein IS on the November ballot as the Green Party candidate for president in NJ!

The best means we have in NJ to state our clear opposition to the US – Israel push toward total war for genocide in the Middle East is to organize the most robust and unified third party presidential candidacy ever mounted in NJ – in support of Jill Stein for president. We must support this campaign as if the fate of the planet depends on its success. Indeed the fate of the planet depends on the success of the campaign of Jill Stein for president – in supporting her voice and raising all of our voices in chorus – NO WAR FOR GENOCIDE! US OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST! NO MORE ARMS FOR ISRAEL! END THE GENOCIDE! FREE PALESTINE!

The following is a succinct statement found on twitter describing Jill Stein’s statement with the link to the video: