NJ’s IHRA Democrats Walk the DOGE-y for Trump – Musk Education / Services Slash and Burn
The IHRA narrative of blurring criticism of Israel with supposed anti-semitism is patently false – it is just an excuse for pro-Israel advocates and politicians to protect their political support for arming and funding Israel from democratic scrutiny. NJ legislative Democrats who believe or pander to the ‘dare not criticize Israel’ set might think they are only protecting their political position from scrutiny of oppositional public. They are overlooking the tools they are giving to the Trump-ian DOGE-rs. Republicans support the Democrats IHRA initiative and they have their own reasons. They have outsmarted NJ Democrats because they know they can use IHRA laws, if passed as a tool to further their DOGE chain saw attack on public education, higher education and on public services.
Currently the NJ Republicans are floating legislation to create a DOGE-y style slash and bash in NJ. Their goal is to give Trump and Musk devastation a clear bee line to Trenton controlled budgeting and spending. Right now the NJ DOGE bills will not go anywhere but the Republicans will campaign on them and they are in a stronger position in NJ than in previous years.
The Department of Education cuts of $400M from Columbia University because students their exercised their protected free speech rights to advocate for Palestine and against genocide is a perfect example. The Trump – Musk – Vance Administration is converging their service to their Israel client state to repress opposition to US – Israel policies – with their interests to slash and burn higher education (which extends to education and all services and support). The $400M cuts from Columbia University allocations fulfills both of those Trump objectives. A letter has been sent to 60 universities threatening similar actions including Princeton University, Rutgers Newark and Rutgers, New Brunswick.
NJ Democratic legislative coordination of the IHRA fraud effort is enabling the pathways for the Trump chain saw team to come after public education and higher education in NJ. Face it – the opposition to US support for Israel is not slowing down – it is growing – and that is especially true among the youth. You can not force people to be loyal to Israel especially after a year and a half of livestream genocide which is ongoing. Passing laws and punishing, persecuting, monitoring, physically assaulting and even murdering those opposed to your viewpoints is not going to stop people from drawing their own conclusions which for many – unfortunately for you – does not include licking the boots of the pro-Israel politicians and the pro Israel and pro-defense industry lobbying agencies that feather their campaign nests.
That being the case – there are always going to be college students who want to protest the inhumanities committed by the US, Israel or by other nations or entities. There are always going to be high school and elementary students who have other opinions on the matter of Israel. Force feeding them their thoughts and world views is a fool’s errand. Silencing opposition to injustice will result in greater resistance.
If the NJ Democrats impose their fraudulent IHRA narrative to impose repression of protected free speech to advocate for Palestine, there will be no shortage of complaints from intolerant self appointed moderators of public opinion filing threatening legal letters and frivolous lawsuits. The DOGE chainsaw teams will pounce with demands to defund colleges, public schools, libraries, municipalities and non-profits.
The NJ Democrats’ IHRA blueprint for expansion of repression of our protected free speech can easily be adapted to other views that the powerful find intolerant. For example,on March 11 Trump is proclaiming that boycotting Tesla is illegal. The IHRA fraudulent method of operation can then be adapted to protect Tesla – maybe Musk relations to Israel’s military efforts will be used to call a boycott of Tesla “anti-semitic.” Trump has also accused mainstream media outlets like NBC and CNN of being illegal because they offer viewpoints that differ from Trump’s. That is the agenda that IHRA laws serve – and to be clear IHRA legislation that has been implemented in many states and is being attempted here in NJ was modeled After the IHRA presidential order from the first Trump administration – the Democrats supporting this in NJ are literally doing Trump’s bidding!
FightBackBetter has documented dozens of ways the NJ Democrats are playing with IHRA fire and how it is damaging to the people of NJ. With the rise of DOGE and lawlessness by the Trump administration at the federal level – if NJ IHRA proposed laws are passed it will give the chainsaw massacre team a full range of options to carve up our schools, towns and services in NJ. Be warned democrats – be warned!