Elections 2024Kamala Harris

Cmon All American Youth, Dying for Genocide, a Horrible Truth! US Troops, ABM’s Deploying to Israel – October Surprise in Full Motion

The closing strategy of the failing Harris campaign is fully revealed with the announcement of the deployment of US troops to Israel soil for the purpose of training anIsralis and operating anti-ballistic-missils (ABMs) that the US is deploying to provide defensive measures for when Israel starts hitting oil fields and nuclear facilities in Iran – today? tomorrow? next week?

Reports are that Harris is behind Trump in several battle ground states so a dramatic move is in motion that will change the contours of the Middle East forever.

Israel has formally abandoned any pretense of negotiating a cease fire in Gaza and is announcing plans for annexation of parts of Gaza.

Israel is launching full assaults burning families housed in tents in Northern Gaza.

The failed ethics of some who had supported opposition to the genocide but now are calling for support for the Harris candidacy is exposed.

As US continues to increase and reaffirm commitments to greater Israel generated Middle East mayhem – another billion in expenditures, rushing ABMs and US troops into place to fortify Israel in preparation for its wholesale attack on Iran in the days ahead – stalwarts of opposition to war like NJ’s Lawrence Hamm throw in the towel and endorse the Kamala genocdidal war candidacy.

The world will never recover from the US – Israel in Gaza that has spread to the West Bank and Lebanon and will soon engulf the entire MIddle East in fire.

We are facing the hell of total MIddle East war launched in haste on the eve of US elections – there is no greater crime of election manipulation than Harris and Biden’s fortifying Israel’s push toward total war right now.